Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday again . . .

It's Monday again. It still feels like Friday and I don't know why. I ended a phone call a little while ago and told the caller to have a nice weekend. Oops! My brain is not at full function it seems. I need more sleep.

I saw Zach yesterday. He really seems to be doing well at the new place. We can only visit for one hour a week and he takes full advantage of it; not a minute wasted whining or complaining. I was pleased. He played foosball with his dad (his 44th birthday yesterday) and Dad won. Zach wasn't ticked off. I see growth. This is good.

School starts in 2 weeks. I picked up books for 2 of my classes and the total came to $205. For only TWO classes. Thankfully my art class doesn't have a book but my web design class does. It's not in yet. My Environmental Science class has 3 for some reason. I don't get it. Anyway, it's my last semester there so I'm going to enjoy and make the most of this time with Zach out of the house. I'm thinking of adding an independent study in Photography in addition to the 4 classes I'm taking. Then I think, I'm taking on too much. I won't know until I try so I think I will.

I'm just so grateful for the peace that I've found this summer. I've been horribly unproductive in my art but I'm trying not to beat myself up over it. I did have major surgery 8 weeks ago so I guess I should be a little more gentle with myself. I'm down about 35 pounds. I feel so much better. I walked up a lot of stairs on campus today without huffing and puffing. It was wonderful.

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