Friday, October 13, 2006

Honors Convocation

Tonight was the Honors Convocation at my college, Holyoke Community College. The Honors Convocation is an event the college puts on annually to bring together the best students and honor their accomplishments. I was privileged to be one of them tonight. I was not expecting the letter that came to ask me to participate. I knew nothing of this program. I was just trying to do my very best in each class I took. The requirements are that you achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher and you must take 30 credit hours or more at HCC. This is my last semester there and this was a fantastic way to finish off my HCC academic career.

I'm the one in the red in the photo. My daughter and her boyfriend joined me and she was the photographer. It's a pretty good shot considering she was about 100 feet away from me at the time. I love my digital camera - it's a Fuji Finepix S9000. What you can't tell from the photo is that my feet are screaming at me to sit down. I was wearing a pair of heels that have been sitting in my closet for years. Now I know why. I have a wedding tomorrow night and my feet are going to be swollen from walking and standing in those pumps. I so wish I'd worn flats.

Other than that, it was a wonderful evening. I felt so proud of myself and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel guilty for being proud. I've worked hard and it was that hard work that landed me on that stage. It felt amazing to be recognized. Life just keeps getting better and better.

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