Nicole and Zach both had a really enjoyable holiday. Niki was sick in the morning of Christmas Eve so she took the day off from Circuit City. Thankfully all she needed was some rest. She had been working her tail off for the past few weeks along with going to school full-time. I'm glad the holiday shopping season is over. I am so tired of driving to the mall. She has to get her license and a car.
My professors are taking their dear sweet time in posting final grades. I only have one in so far. I got an "A" in Environmental Science. That's a relief. I knew I had done well in the lab but the teacher for the lecture portion hadn't been posting grades so I didn't really know where I was at. I guess I was doing better than I thought. Cool!
So I'm looking forward to 2007 and working on my Bachelor's. I'm making use of my new easel and homasote. I've got another intuitive drawing in process. They are so fun. Here's an example from my final:

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