Sunday, December 02, 2007

Parenting & college

Zach is giving me a run for my money. He's been home more since the mugging and his last suspension but now he's hanging with a new bunch of guys that I don't know. I'm a little worried. They seem like good kids but I also think they may be smoking pot. I have to keep my eyes open and be vigilant. I know what he's capable of and I so want my brilliant son to live up to his abilities. He's so smart and talented. I would hate to see him waste that on drugs.

School is winding down for the semester but that means projects and papers that are due as well as tests. I'm so stressed. I signed up for 6 classes next semester and I am really rethinking that idea. I wanted to graduate in December of next year but I may just extend my education one more semester so I don't lose my mind. I want it to be over but 6 months more won't delay my career by too much.

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