Sunday, February 10, 2008


Classes are going really well but I did drop out of one; Anatomy for Artists.  The amount of drawing required with my other courses was just not doable.  I was behind by the end of the first week.  I am loving my Graphic Design and Typography classes.  We had to do a paper and presentation last week on a designer.  I had chosen David Carson.  I rocked it!  I created a multi-media AVI file with his work and added an audio track.  He's a surfer as well so I used a song by Fallout Boy.  It came out great.  I also had 3 short movie files that I had found on the Internet and I brought one of his books in as well.  Todd, the adjunct who teaches it, was very impressed and I felt so good when it was over.  I knew it had gone well.  David Carson presentation

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