Sunday, September 14, 2008


Writing gives me such pleasure but one that I don’t indulge in often enough. My soul aches for the words it does not share, the stories it does not tell. How might I bring these to life when my daily activities don’t give me the time to think, breathe, and write? I want my summer by the sea where I can get lost in the words while I take in the beauty, sounds, and smells of the ocean. How can I wax philosophical when all I have time for is laundry? And I whine whilst I waste precious moments sitting in front of the boob tube. Is it that I don’t have the time or the true passion? It’s probably a little of both.

I also think it’s a fear of failure. I worry that what I write will not be well-received or understood. I doubt my own talent at times. I know that I ache for it so maybe it’s time to write with only me as the audience. I don’t have to share and if I do, it can be with a trusted group of friends that will act as sounding boards, not harsh critics.


Kim said...

I happened by this when looking for my own blog which is also called Kim's Musings. What you wrote here could have been written by me, word for word for word. It was uncanny. My mouth dropped. I feel EXACTLY the same way. I hope we both find the time to write. And maybe it's not fear of failure that holds us back, but fear of success. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Obviously we share more than our name and our blogs. How fun that you found me.