Today was the last day of classes. Wow! This semester has flown by. I am amazed. I did my final critique in Photojournalism yesterday. I'm glad to have one final out of the way. I have three more to go. Art History is Monday, Critical Survey of Photography is Tuesday, and Basic Design II is Wednesday. They are spread out nicely.
The final for Design is a 3D assemblage project. I'm using a gutted computer monitor as my container. I had found one during my photo essay for my photojournalism project but my friend Michael threw it away last week when he was cleaning out my garage. He obviously didn't realize it was an art piece waiting to happen. :~) Thankfully I had a 10 year old monitor sitting in my art studio so Nicole started gutting it for me the other day. I have some great found objects that I'm going to use for the assemblage and I've done transfers of photos I've taken of urban decay that I'm going to use like wallpaper inside. I plan to have CD collages hang inside and have a light in the back (or on the bottom) to hopefully illuminate the back of the CD's and cast a cool glow within.
The other two finals are written so I will be studying this weekend. The Art History final includes a lot of paintings and sculpture that will have to be identified and there will be two comparison essays. They are tough but at least I know what to expect. Critical Survey is going to be a mystery. His tests to date have all been different. He gave me an A on the first response paper I submitted so I'm fairly confident that I come out with a decent grade overall. I have a good average so far. I will miss this semester and I will also be so glad when it's over.
Praying to the "Good Grade" Goddess...