Saturday, May 27, 2006


He's my sweet boy that keeps breaking my heart. The past two weeks have been the worst yet and we haven't even been to court for the arraignment. He's coming apart on me and I don't know how to hold him together. He has made every bad decision possible from lighting fires to being with friends who shoplift to running away. There's so much more but I don't want a laundry list of his misdeeds here. I want to help him so badly before he makes a choice that can't be undone. I have turned to every state agency that is suppose to be there for troubled kids and been turned away. I am scared to death that they will not act until he has hurt himself or someone else. I did finally scream loud enough to get DSS to secure a date for him to go into their Bridge Program. He starts next Thursday and DMH is going to have a respite spot for him on Monday but in the meantime, I am having to watch him like a hawk because every time he has left the house lately, he's been brought home by the police (who refuse to arrest him for some reason beyond my understanding). I love this child so much and worry that my love is not enough. It cannot keep him safe when he is spiraling out of control. He needs to be in a locked medical facility so his meds can be analyzed and adjusted as well as getting a definitive diagnosis but that can't happen without the cooperation of a Crisis Team. They claim he doesn't meet their guidelines. I'll sue them first if something happens that could have been prevented if they'd only listened to me.

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