Saturday, February 03, 2007


Zach's coming home for the weekend. We've had overnight visits for a few weeks now. They are going ok. It's been hard on Nicole though. She's used to the quiet that we've had for the past 8 months and now a noisy 13 yr. old is in her space again. It's going to be an adjustment for her. She and I spend a lot more time together while he's home. I think she uses my room as a refuge from the noise and mess. We all start family therapy next week so I'm hoping we can begin to find ways of peacefully coexisting in our home. I know we all need to compromise in order to make this work. And I so want it to work. I miss my boy.


Krystin Clark said...

Hey, you've been doing some changing and rearranging! Lookin' good. Glad to hear that things are looking up with Zach, and I am soooo proud of you for getting family therapy. Wish my mother had your insight. I pray that your considerate actions will help make their path a little less bumpy.



Krystin Clark said...

PS: Where can I learn how to get music on my blog?


Kim said...

Hey Krystin,

One of things that I am most proud of is that I was able to not only "see" that we all needed help, but I acted on it as well. It's been a hard road but so worth the effort.

You can get music at the link on the player on my home page. Tanaya or Tammy from ArtellaVision is one who clued me into it. She got it for Ruth. How are you (email me)?
