Saturday, May 05, 2007

Here is a little prayer for today

I open the windows wide and take a deep breath, filling myself with the winds of change that are blowing even now across my life. I feel the bracing energy in these changes and welcome them into my life, to energize and charge me, to empower me.

I ask to be filled with complete belief in myself, in who I am and what I can do. I ask to be filled with courage and creativity, to free the flow of my creativity and allow it to ride the currents of the new winds that blow. I ask that I may be filled with love completely, love of myself, love of life, love for the energy that flows around me.

I am a part of what is new. I am a part of the bracing energy that flows and is. I am power and love. I am.

This is from I get a weekly email from her and I loved this prayer.

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