Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Shit and yet hope too

Zach slept through school yesterday and it's beginning to look like he's going to do it again today. He was up all night and fell asleep 20 minutes ago. It's 5AM. Not conducive to getting up at 6:45 for school. His DSS case worker will be here tomorrow afternoon for our first meeting. This may not go well. But the good news is the change in his medication. She, the clinical nurse specialist, upped the dosage on his Adderall and I gave it to him yesterday afternoon for the first time. What a difference! He was calm, relaxed, and well-behaved. He even noticed the change. He rarely ever sees the difference his meds make but this one was so obvious. I think his problem sleeping last night had a lot to do with a cup of coffee he had and that he didn't get up until 1:30 in the afternoon. I hate when this happens. Nicole used to have this problem too. Her sleep pattern would get disrupted and it would take days to get her back on track. Hopefully he'll be back in sync tomorrow.

Nicole had her pre-op check-up yesterday and everything is good so surgery is on for tomorrow morning. She wants the boyfriend there. I'm so tired of the boyfriend. He's a big guy so he's hard to avoid. I don't want to be tripping over him but hopefully he'll be smart enough to leave for his class at 3PM (in New Hampshire!). His being at the house will let me check in with my professors if she's feeling ok after the procedure. I've missed so much school on Mondays and Wednesdays so it's the same 2 classes that are suffering. Both teachers are being understanding but that will only go so far.

I did the pre-registration for next semester. It's my last three classes. Then I'll have another Associates degree but even more so, a decision. Where to go from here? I know I'm going to continue on. Now it's just deciding where that will be. I've narrowed it down to 3 schools. Smith College, UMASS, and Hartford Art School. UMASS is my least favorite but because of my enrollment at the community college, I'm already accepted so it's the easiest to get into. Smith will look at my academics (3.85 GPA) and Hartford will look at my portfolio (I'm unsure how it looks). I'm not ready yet. :~) I need to do some campus visits and department visits. Smith and Hartford have state of the art photo departments and UMASS doesn't so they are already heads above but UMASS is part of the 5 college consortium so I could take classes at Amherst, Hampshire, Smith, and Mt. Holyoke as part of my curriculum at UMASS (can do the same at Smith). I have a lot to take into consideration.

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