Monday, January 15, 2007

New photos

This past fall, I was signed up to do an independent study in photography of landscapes. It was to be self-directed. I found it impossible to get into the darkroom to develop film or make prints so I dropped it. I finally went to a local camera shop and dropped of 7 rolls of film to be processed that I had shot in hopes of completing the study. I picked them up this weekend. A few of the shots really blew me away. I was using two different cameras; a standard 35mm SLR by Olympus and an antique medium format camera by Yashica. The photo to the left is from the Yashica. A friend of mine has a vacation home on Mason Island which is off the coast of Mystic, CT. She walks a lot on Elder Island (which is next to Mason) at a monastic retreat. The place is absolutely beautiful. A lot of the shots I took there came out fabulous. I am really happy with the results and wish I had taken the time to work them myself. I now have 5" x 5" prints instead of 10" x 10" which I would prefer. This one is a covered patio on the grounds of the monastery. I loved the look of the table and chairs and the shading. More photos can be found at along with hundreds of other pictures of local areas and my artwork. I hope you have a chance to stop by.


PennyBlue said...

Great photo! I LOVE IT!!

Kim said...

Thanks, BlueJude!