Zach's in respite and will be going to the Bridge program this morning for a 45 day assessment of his needs. He is not happy and is playing up the remorseful child mode to the hilt. What he doesn't realize yet is that my heart is harden to that ploy now. I know I'm doing the right thing for him. He needs more structure than I can provide because he thinks that now that he is bigger than me, he doesn't have to listen to me or follow my rules so his behavior is out of control. I can't let it continue or he will be unable to pull himself back from the wrong path. I have to let him hate me for the time being in an effort to ensure his safety from himself.
The Iris above is outside my front stairs. The blooms weren't there just a couple days ago and now I have about 6 beautiful flowers. I haven't really done any landscaping since I bought the house almost 9 years ago so I don't remember where these came from but I'm not complaining. They are so beautiful. I absolutely love purple and yellow together.
I went back to work in the gallery yesterday. It was nice to have a couple weeks off (not that I actually work hard there very often). I hadn't been on campus since my last final on May 17th. I am on the Dean's list for this past semester. I got an A in Critical Survey of Photography, B+'s in Art History II and Photojournalism, and a B- in Basic Design II. Given my attendance due to Zach's issues, I am pleased. I missed a lot of Design classes and was late on 2 projects. The last 2 projects were completed on time though. I am amazed that I did so well with all the garbage going on at home. I am proud of myself. Here's the final project for Design. I had done a photo essay on abandoned property and found a site where there was a lot of TV's and computers thrown off a small bridge to the train tracks below. I used a lot of items from that spot to create this 3D assemblage. It was a lot of fun to put together.

If I could reach through this screen and give you a HUG I would. For many things..first and foremost the love you hold for your children ..and for kicking ass and getting such good grades and accomplishing so much...and, ..just because..you need a hug.
I will keep you 'surrounded' with peace-filled thoughts, always...
Thanks, Jolene! I appreciate all the love and support I get from my Artella friends. It means so much to me.
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